In cooperation with
Mukta Nepal & MCI
Our Project
"A child without education, is like a bird without wings"
​Our project mission is to develop a sustainable and innovative fundraising strategy. This should enable the Mukta Nepal association to generate donations actively and regularly, independent of emergency situations, and to guarantee school education for children and young people.

The initial position
The income in Nepal is so low for many people that it is barely enough to buy enough food and clothing. As a result, children and young people do not have the opportunity to receive quality education. Without education, it is impossible to eliminate inequalities. The Mukta Nepal association ensures school education for children, teenagers, young adults and adults in Nepal, which is made possible through the generation of donations.
In order to carry out successful work and promote social commitment, the organisation acts according to strictly defined values and principles. One example of this is the high level of transparency towards donors and the public. Mukta Nepal guarantees donors that all donations will be used for charitable purposes. In order for the association to achieve a lasting improvement in the situation of the people in Nepal, Mukta Nepal is dependent on long-term and regular donations. The difficulty lies in the continuous generation of donations, so that the project and the work of the volunteers of the association can be continued in the future, regardless of emergency situations.
The work process
We, as a project group of the study programme Nonprofit, Social & Health Management, have the goal to help the association Mukta Nepal to develop an innovative and sustainable fundraising concept through our research work in the 4th semester. Therefore, we have to analyse fields that are related to the achievement of this goal. On the one hand, the motivations of donors are to be identified in order to derive donor profiles. On the other hand, these donor profiles will be used to define donation products and pricing policies. As a result, suitable distribution and communication channels will be found for the selected product or for the identified donor profiles.
It is important to bear in mind that the association's time and financial resources are limited, as the members in Germany work in the association on a voluntary basis. The basis of the project work is a comprehensive literature review from which the research question is defined. The answer to the research question and thus the achievement of the goal is to be realised by means of a quantitative as well as qualitative research design. A standardised questionnaire as well as interviews with experts will provide the necessary data as well as information about the reasons for people to donate, especially in Austria and Germany. The results of the research will make a practical contribution to Mukta Nepal and will be passed on to the association.
The research results
In order to be able to generate as many donations as possible, the trust of the donors, the credibility of the organisation and a transparent presentation of the use of donations are of great importance.
As the literature discussion and the quantitative and qualitative research show, a professional online presence plays an important role. A professional web presence not only creates an important basis for people's trust in the association, but also offers the possibility to inform oneself about the effectiveness of a donation and thus to receive transparent information about donation- and project-related contents. Contributions coupled with current trends, short content and videos as well as high-quality images can be decisive points in this regard in order to appeal to the young generation. In addition to the online presence, the newsletter is also an important tool to reach donors. Among other things, special features of the association should be emphasised and highlighted in the online presence. This could be, for example, the cooperation with the coordinators on the ground in Nepal. They could be regularly involved in the exchange of information with donors, as information about the impact of the donation is the most popular form of recognition. It also promotes trust, credibility and transparent communication.
In addition, sponsorships have proven to be very popular as a way to generate donations. Basically, it showed that people like to be involved in a fundraising process. Therefore, it could be considered useful for the association to continue to focus on various fundraising activities to attract individual donations. Consideration could be given to additional cooperation with companies to enable automatic donations with the purchase of a product. This could be implemented through the possibility of rounding up when purchasing or through an amount that is already included in the price.
Additional time resources will be needed in the future in order to be able to enter into such cooperations. This problem could be avoided by employing interns or full-time staff. The resulting more intensive support of donation channels and of the donors themselves could lead to an increase in donations, which could pay for full-time staff. The targeted 'fundraising' of time donations for specific tasks in the association could also be a way to increase time resources. For example, companies with a focus on social media marketing could be considered.